Tuesday, November 18, 2008

2009 Student Award for the Health and Dignity of Women

We are now accepting applications for the 2009 Student Award. This year’s winner will travel with Americans for UNFPA staff to visit one of the recipients of our 2009 International Awards for the Health and Dignity of Women. Upon her return. she will collaborate with Americans for UNFPA staff to spread awareness about global women’s health and rights, both on her campus and in the halls of Congress.

Applications are available in PDF form for download here. If you require a MS Word format, email

Applicants will be judged, and a winner selected, on the basis of two short essays, a resume/activity sheet, and a personal reference. The deadline for applications to be received is March 9, 2009.

Visit www.americansforunfpa.org/getinvolved to learn more.